Milan Economic Impact Evaluation Center

The Milan Economic Impact Evaluation Center MEIEC is the reference point in Milan for studying and conducting impact evaluation of both public policies and private investments effectiveness. The research center, part of the Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods of University of Milan DEMM has been created thanks to PNRR funds with the aim to establish a permanent interdisciplinary reference point for economic and sustainable impact evaluations.

MEIEC | Who we are

Milan Economic Impact Evaluation Center

The Milan Economic Impact Evaluation Center is Coordinated by the Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods (DEMM) at University of Milan. MEIEC is participated by a total of four departments – Social and Political Sciences, Computer Science “Giovanni Degli Antoni”, Legal Sciences ” Cesare Beccaria”, Environmental Sciences and Policies -, and two research centers of the University of Milan – namely: the Center of Excellence in Economics and Data Science CEEDS  and the Data Science Research Center DSRC -, and enjoy a partnership with the Institute for Public Policy Evaluation Research (IRVAPP) of the Bruno Kessler Foundation in Trento.


Enhancing Italian academic knowledge and organizations’ practices on impact evaluation topics

MEIEC aim is to build an integrated approach towards the development of public policies and private investments founded on evidence-based evaluations. Its effort to this end is to increase collaborations among universities, businesses, public institutions and civil societies to create and consolidate a new “knowledge infrastructure” to support the country’s sustainable economic development.


News, data and impact assessments to disseminate the culture of impact evaluation

MEIEC publishes analysis and research on the Environmental, Social, Governance and Economic impacts of public and private organizations’ choices.

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